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Springfield Masonic Lodge 217 Blood Drive

Springfield Masonic Lodge 217 is hosting a blood drive on Saturday, January 27. The bloodmobile will be in the lodge’s parking lot. of All members and neighbors are invited.

In honor of National Blood Donor Month, all donors will receive a sweatshirt*

Make an Appointment

or call: 1(866) 256-6372, use Sponsor Code 8196

Contact: Jeff Lavallee (703) 994-6504

Photo ID Required. Masking is optional for all donors and team members. Allow one hour for your donation. *While supplies last. Colors may vary. Must complete the screening process to receive the giveaway.

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January 27, 2024
10:00 am - 2:00 pm


Springfield Lodge #217
7001 Backlick Road
Springfield, 22150 United States
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