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Vienna Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department Blood Drive

The Vienna Volunteer Fire Department is hosting a community blood drive at the VVFRD. The bloodmobile will be parked in the parking lot. Everyone is welcome!

As a thank you for donating, all donors will receive a Crossbody Bag*.

Book your appointment:
Visit: https://bit.ly/VVFD0824
Call 1(866) 256-6372, use Sponsor Code 7904

Contact: Grant Johnson (703) 850-1169 – Grant.Johnson@vvfd.org

Photo ID Required. Masking is optional for all donors and team members. Allow one hour for your donation. *While supplies last. Colors may vary. Must complete the screening process to receive the giveaway.

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August 24, 2023
12:30 pm - 5:30 pm


Vienna Volunteer Fire Station
400 Center Street, South
Vienna, VA 22180 United States
+ Google Map